jueves, 28 de septiembre de 2017


We kicked off fall with a whole bunch of apples
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Hi there! Down the street there are some apple trees and each year, I collect as many as I can from them. The apples are pretty small and non-edible and often have a few bites, bruises, or holes in them. I collect them for my students to use for science, math, dramatic play, discussion, and water play.

I noticed that some of my students are a little unsure how to interact or act out a scene when it comes to the dramatic play so the children helped us set up an apple store (apple café) and then we began by inviting our students to buy their own snack with play money. Miss Hannah and I manned the store and we sold out of apple muffins, apple juice, and cups of strawberries by the end of snack time.

We added our pretend apples to the baskets after snack along with more play money, shopping bags and so on for the children to continue their play in the apple store. Here's a couple of photos of our store for you…
Oh, and a great book to read to the children before setting up an apple store is "Apple Farmer Annie" by Monica Wellington.

Have a great day!

Deborah J. Stewart, M.Ed.

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